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PAN card Correction

Permanent Account Number holds extreme importance in India, not only for Income Tax purposes but also as proof of identity. Any incorrect information on your PAN can lead to problem in future. So it is advised to get the mistakes and inaccuracies in your PAN corrected as soon as possible. Go to the Update PAN section of the Income Tax e filling website. You can directly go to the page by clicking on this link. Scroll below and fill your basic details such as name, date of birth, email ID and mobile Number. Fill the Captcha and click submit. Your request will be registered and Token Number will be sent to the email ID provided by you. The applicant should take print of it and send it to the NSDL e gov office along with the physical proof of documents. Also fix photograph in the space provided and sign across it. You must write Application for PAN Change on the top of the envelope along with the acknowledgement number.